Getting your first job can be hard and challenging due to lack of relevant skills and experiences. That is why we thought that it is important to train the prospective employees and job creator’s generation. In this training, a participant will be engaged in project design that will help him/her acquire real-world experiences to kick-start his/her career. This is due to the fact that the need for software developers is growing. Thus, get ready to be part of this important training in order to become more competitive and the workforce of tomorrow!. Up-skills in the latest technologies (Angular, Laravel PHP framework, and Mysql database) and master working in any organization.
In order for our course to run smoothly, we will have an internet connection. Please come with your Computer, Notebook , a pen and Flash Drive. The best full stack developer will be hired.
Course fee: TZS 135,000 || Deadline of application: 30th September, 2020
Pay by M-Pesa or NMB Bank Account
Learning Laravel 7
Before learning Laravel 7, a software developer is expected to already have this knowledge below:
PHP developers looking for an MVC framework to speed up their development
- A local PHP environment (XAMPP (windows), MAMP(Mac OS), LAMP(Linux)).
- A database (I’ll be using MySQL)
- PHPUnit installed.
- Node JS installed.
- A good understanding of PHP 7.3.18 or above and classes
- Need to install any IDE like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text 3 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or above
Course Outline
Learning Angular
Before learning Angular, a software developer is expected to have this knowledge below:
- Moderate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Basic Model-View-Controller (MVC) concepts
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- JavaScript functions, events, and error handling
- Knowledge of TypeScript.
Course Outline
This is our final phase where we will put our theory into practice. After finalizing all eight stages, we will learn how to deploy our software into the cloud environment, and if the time will allow us we will learn how to secure our software.
Step 1: Pick an Idea
An idea should be achievable because we are expecting to finalize this within one week. If it is not achievable based on our timeline. Then, the delegates will proceed with the chosen idea at their own time. Four project ideas will be there and we will choose one.
Step 2: Define the Core Functionalities
Think about what your software should be able to do and list them out.
Step 3: Sketch your App
Use pen and paper to create use cases and prototypes on how your system will look like and how actors will interact with the system.
Step 4: Design the database
You can draw an ERM (Entity-Relationship Model) diagram to map out the data relationship.
Step 5: Development
This is when we put our theories into practice. It needs concentration and passion. At the end of the day, we all say that “Oooh, yes, It works!!”
Step 6: Testing the system
We will run some simple test if our systems work as it was supposed to work.
Step 7: Implementation
Here we will learn how to deploy on the cloud or on the client computer. Delegates will be in a group of two people, they will interchange computers and act as clients. A group will have the experience to deal with other computer environments of which they are not familiar with.
Step 8: A little bit of Maintenance
We will maintain our system in case of any bugs.